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Image by JoelValve


What's in the Name 

My initials plus AGORA is what. The ancient Greek gathering place spawned connections, dialogue and ideas that are often overlooked in our rush today. 


In this noisy world, we forget to breath, let alone connect with our inner self or with others. 


I was earning my masters but facing personal challenges when I discovered the power of a "safe place" to slow down, yet accelerate with purpose. It was an intertwining process of transition and personal growth I never imagined possible.


Ellagora pays tribute to that “safe place” and holds it for you, so you can take that strategic breath and build CADENCE for the positive change you seek.


My 25 years of diverse management and consulting experience, plus a systemic and holistic approach, help ground your goals in practical, mindful action and results.


The Ellagora™ CADENCE

Contextwhat is your truth? While lessons and inspiration from others can be valuable, understanding the environment and systemic forces influencing your behavior and others can make all the difference in freeing up limiting beliefs and projecting a different possibility.

Awareness – how well do you know yourself? The ability to un-learn and re-learn in a changing world begins with holding up a mirror to self and to others. Getting to heightened awareness requires stepping back or stepping out into the shoes of another for that unique empathy and insight.

Dialog & Discordhow free do you feel in doing the right thing? The litmus test is the courage you show in embracing inner or outer discord. Your ability to face off conflict or capitalize on thoughtful listening and dialogue with self or with others will help you break new ground and grow.

Engagement how motivated are you? Disengagement is the death of fulfillment. Feelings of mistrust, lack of recognition and purpose, misaligned values or the sense of overwhelm are all red flags that might spin out of control. Understanding this of yourself and of others is essential to being an effective leader.

Non-Conforming Couragehow are you imagining the future? Change never happens without the courage to see, act and fail different. Seeking approval and permission will not get you there. Leaping boldly into the unknown requires resilience and being okay with not having the "right" answers. 

Congruence – how in-tuned are you with yourself and or with your “worlds”? Being true to one’s self in all aspects of life, is to be conscious of what you are willing to cede as trade-offs. Finding meaning and reconciling that is key to being in harmony with yourself and with others.

Experimentation what will overall betterment feel like? Experiment, evaluate, adjust and practise. You are supported throughout, not just through dialogue and listening, but also by holding you accountable to deliberate practice and action that gets you results, individually or as a team.


Board director:

EMCC accreditation - logo - EIA - colour - clear background - SP.png

Eileen Lee Lavergne

Managing Principal

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My professional "playground": global multinationals, SMBs and tech startups as a growth and management strategist (e.g. EBRD, Centreon, Cisco, PTC, Accenture, AT&T).


What I help leaders and teams accomplish: scale organizational capacity and sustain business performance through self-actualization while unleashing positive change. 


Where my expertise and passion merges to deliver value: international midsize  companies (EMEA, APAC, North America, emerging markets) bent on transforming digitally and humanely with innovative Future of Work paradigms and models.


I'm a global citizen: Asian work ethics, European creativity and American pragmatism, conditioned by family/friends across a dozen cities; at ease operating in English, French and Southeast Asian "speak".


Somewhat a "corporate tech geek": e.g. XaaS, IoT, ITOM, data lake, AI/ML, hybrid cloud, GTM strategy, MVP, OKR, PoCs, martech, lean management, ...


Also a bit of a nerd who's always learning

  • Exec Master's in Consulting and Coaching for Change - HEC Paris & Oxford SBS

  • MA in Diplomatic Studies - University of Westminster, UK

  • BA in Public Relations and Marketing - Western Michigan University, USA

  • Center of Executive Coaching, USA

  • European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) accreditation

  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) accreditation

  • Malaysian Institute of Management certification


My source of energy & inspiration: our planet's beauty at work, gourmet & healing foods, stories & movies, diversity in ideas & life, human courage & innovation ...

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